
Posts Tagged ‘Transporation’

Overview: Few parts of the world are so consistently ignored, at least in the English-language media, which  almost always focuses on the western, or European, parts of Russia, particularly Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the troubled North Caucasus. Thus, in most people’s imagination, in the West and even in Russia itself, Siberia looks like an iceberg: big, cold, mostly hidden from view, and inherently dangerous. In this series of posts, GeoCurrents aims to shed new light on this vast and significant place. If Siberia were independent, it would have the largest area of any country in the world—by a significant margin.

A Sense of Place Shortlink: http://wp.me/pISTJ-gE

Lewis, M.W.. March 21, 2012.  Introduction to Siberia, GeoCurrents

Full Text: http://geocurrents.info/place/russia-ukraine-and-caucasus/siberia/introduction-to-siberia

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